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Risk Management: Employee Behaviour and Sexual Harassment

Risk Management: Employee Behaviour and Sexual Harassment

RME Points : 1 CPD Points : 1 

HK$ 685.00

Course Description

Sexual Harassment is a serious problem in a work environment. Understanding the law in Hong Kong, the risk and how to minimize this risk is an important topic to both management in law firms as well as employees themselves. In this course we understand the definition of sexual harassment from the historical background and law, we discuss updates to the law and understand how to evaluate and manage the risk of sexual harassment issues in the workplace.

Sara Tsui is a Solicitor in Hong Kong and a Consultant at Khoo & Co. Solicitors. She is a Teaching Fellow at City University of Hong Kong, having taught on topics from the Law of Tort, Animal Law, Hong Kong Legal System and Banking Law, among others. She is Programme Director of Universal Prestige Inc. Ltd. and serves as Asia Director of the Institute of Critical Animal Studies. She is Honorary Legal Consultant for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, an honor only given to three people in the HKSAR. Ms. Tsui has served as Examiner for the PCLL conversion board and the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary School Education – Legal Studies. She is a published author of many legal texts and has extensive media coverage and exposure on a variety of legal topics.


Customer Testimonials

What I have learned in this course, I will be able to apply in the real world. Solicitor 

Best and concise course. Solicitor (Magic Circle Firm) 

Based on practical environment and good way to earn my CPD/RME points. Solicitor


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