Up close with Legal Beagle’s Expert Speaker: Maeva Slotine
Maeva Slotine: Legal Beagle’s Speaker
Maeva Slotine is the Managing Partner of Slotines – a Hong Kong Law Firm focusing on Corporate, M&A, Private Equity and Corporate Governance matters. She is one of Legal Beagle’s expert speakers to have several courses on our platform: Register of Significant Controllers and SPAs: Keys to Draft and Negotiate.
Tell me about your firm and your expertise?
Slotine’s focus is on corporate clients, both for corporate matters such as investments, acquisitions, corporate governance matters and as independent general counsel. I enjoy working with corporate clients and following their entrepreneurial adventure. I was trained in France, working for 7 years as an associate with the M&A Department of a boutique business law firm and thereafter kept the focus on corporate clients.
Online training in the legal industry is relatively new in Hong Kong – why did you take a chance and become a speaker for Legal Beagle?
When Legal Beagle first got in touch, it was to convince me to use their platform for my annual CPDs but during the course of the conversation I asked if they might be interested in having me as a speaker, and they were! I felt Legal Beagle provided a safe environment for this new challenge of preparing one hour CPD course (which requires lots of material) and delivering in front of a video-recorder (with helpful and friendly guidance from the Legal Beagle team). I am now preparing new courses and am excited about being at the forefront of online training.
Why are the topics you speak on (featured on the Legal Beagle platform) so important?
Generally speaking, lawyers in Hong Kong need more diversity in CPD courses available. I find it challenging every year to find 15 hours of exciting courses – and especially 3 hours RME – which are at least remotely related to my areas of practice. Legal Beagle helps a lot! So far I have addressed 2 topics:
Register of significant controllers
The register of significant controllers which was a new topic in 2018; it remains important because such register has become a new norm among OCDE jurisdictions and lawyers in Hong Kong need to be familiar with it, especially if they have an international practice – to be able to compare with similar provisions in other jurisdictions (see for information the comparative table published on MLS Company Secretary website [https://mlscompanysecretary.com/register-of-significant-controllers-france-hong-kong-and-singapore-comparison/]);
SPAs: Keys to draft and negotiate
SPA negotiations which reflects on my experience and shares practical tips gained over more than 20 years of practice in various jurisdictions (France, England and Hong Kong); I would recommend it for young lawyers interested in corporate work, to give them tools to approach SPA’s in a structured manner as well as for lawyers practicing in different areas who may have to deal with SPAs (such as commercial litigators)
Are there any articles you’d like to share that you have published online, or that would be helpful to lawyers taking your course?
I would suggest reading my article about Memorandums of Understanding published on Zegal Blog (https://zegal.com/blog/post/how-a-memorandum-of-understanding-mou-can-help-your-business/) as well as watching out for our new website to come live (slotine.hk) for which we have drafted in-depth articles for each one of the identified 11 practice areas of the firm (Mergers & Acquisitions, Investments and Shares Purchases, Private Equity & Acquisition Finance, Franchising & Licensing, Debt Collection & Shareholders Disputes etc.).
Is there anything else you’d like to add?
Addressing these questions during the Covid19 crisis, Legal Beagle platform appears even more relevant than before. I wish it a growing success!